Monday, April 5, 2010

Guys Get Vasectomies So They Can Watch Tiger Play At The Masters

Lots of golf fans will be watching Tiger Woods this weekend as he makes his return to the PGA Tour at The Masters. A lot of those viewers will be men healing up after doing something about their family planning issues.

Turns out a lot of guys are now scheduling their vasectomies around the NCAA Basketball Tournament and The Masters, so they can get better while sitting on the couch watching their favorite sports.

The thrill of The Masters is there anything better than watching the best golfers in the world try to survive Amen Corner. According to Dr. Charlie Wilson at Seattle Vasectomy Clinic The Masters is the perfect time for men to get a vasectomy.

"Every year we have at least several patients who will mention their intent is to go home and watch the Masters and that's why they schedule that specific time," said Wilson.

In fact, business at Doctor Wilson's North Seattle clinic has been booming since March Madness started.

"We added one extra day just to be sure there was plenty of capacity for March Madness and right at the start we had 28 guys sign up for a day," said Wilson.

Restaurant Owner Kosta Varlamos recovered from his vasectomy watching college basketball.

"My wife's wonderful she brought me food, she brought me drink, I sat around watching sports, all the sports," said Varlamos.

Now, it's time for round two of golf's big events bringing more patients to Doctor Wilson to get snipped.

"Having a chance to just be not interrupted watching golf works out well," said Wilson.

Dr. Wilson says a couple of years ago another clinic down in Portland threw in a pizza for the guys who got their vasectomies done so they could eat and watch sports while healing up.

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