Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Opponents Of Health Care Reform "Seeing Red" As House Vote Looms

People got hot and bothered at a "Code Red Health Care Rally" against health care reform today. Tea partiers are pulling out all the stops to kill the health care bill. But, Democrats may have found a way to avoid losing the floor vote on health care reform.

Tea partiers like Tim Phillips of "Americans for Prosperity" stormed Capitol Hill Tuesday to protest the health care reform bill.

"Do you really trust speaker Pelosi with your family's healthcare? No," said Phillips.

Others like Jim Martin who is President of "Sixty Plus" demanded face time with his congressional representatives.

"They best start listening because come the first Tuesday in November there is a Tsunami coming to Capitol Hill," said Martin.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are digging in for the final vote, that's now expected Friday or Saturday. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says health care reform is right for America.

"What it does is to invigorate our economy by creating jobs for sure, making America healthier, lowering costs and improving quality that's for sure," said Pelosi.

Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner believes this health care bill is bad for the country.

"Because, we want Americans to go to code red. Understand that we've got to put all the pressure we can on these wavering Democrats to make sure this bill never ever happens," said Boehner.

At last count, the Democrats have 211 "Yes" votes, they need 216. Republican Representative Mike Pence of Indiana doesn't think they'll get there.

"And, I really do believe the Democrats at this hour don't have the votes. The American people are pressing themselves, I think they're going to continue to mount up an opposition to this government takeover of healthcare," said Pence.

House Speaker Pelosi is considering using a tactic that would give some political protection to Democrats who are reluctant to publicly support the bill. It's called the "self-executing rule" and would allow the House to pass the Senate version without actually taking a vote on it.

Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is outraged over the potential move by the Democrats.

"It will go down as one of the most extraordinary legislative slights of hand in history," said McConnell.

Both parties have used the "self-executing" rule over the years, but never for something as huge as the $875 billion health care reform bill.

Here's what's next for health care reform, the House Rule Committee will begin writing changes included in the reconciliation package, changes House Democrats want in the final legislation.

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