Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Reform May Cause Political Shakeup Across The Country

Now, that health care reform has passed the house and awaits the Presidential Signature a political shakeup could be coming at the polls. The health care bill isn't even law yet and Washington's Attorney General is already going after it.

The health care reform bill has our Democratic Governor Christine Gregoire in a fight with our Republican State Attorney General Rob McKenna. McKenna says the new legislation is unconstitutional.

"This is the first time in national history that the federal government has attempted to impose the requirement on all of us that we have to go out and buy something," said McKenna.

Governor Gregoire says she couldn't disagree with the Attorney General anymore on his position.

"I just don't think it's good for Washington State to try and undermine a bill that's going to make sure our Medicaid recipients are better cared for, our uninsured are going to get access to health care," said Gregoire.

The politicking won't stop there. Republicans who fought the bill don't plan to start playing nice now. They're hoping for another Republican revolution like in 1994, and Washington State is one of their targets.

The spot to watch is the 3rd Congressional District. Democrat Brian Baird voted no on health care reform the first time, but switched sides last night. He won't have to worry about it costing him his job he's retiring, that leaves his seat up for grabs.

Political Analyst Ron Dotzauer says both parties will go after the seat big time.

"I think that Congressional seat is going to be one of the top 5 most hotly contested races in the United States," said Dotzauer.

The only other reelection race is in the 8th Congressional District covering much of Eastern King County. Republican Dave Reichert has been an outspoken opponent of the health care reform bill, and lot of people think he'll use it as a platform for a Senate run taking on Democrat Patty Murray.

Political Analyst Ron Dotzauer believes Reichert won't make go after Murray's seat.

"If he were to leave that seat there's a high probability that seat would go to a Democrat. So, I think there's going to be a lot of pressure for him to stay there," said Dotzauer.

At this point in time Dotzauer predicts both Reichert and Murray will win reelection in the fall.

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