Sunday, February 21, 2010

Watch Out Crooks Stealing Pricey Trees & Plants In Seattle

Cops are looking for a group of "Midnight Gardeners" that are going around ripping off expensive plants and trees from yards around North Seattle.

This is certainly one for the books. Last week, these "conifer crooks" hit three homes in the Crown Hill area of North Seattle. The bad guys dug up trees from the front yard of Meghan Fuller's home.

"So, then I started to look around, cause I realized what happened, then I found this one had been stolen," said Fuller.

Then, the bad guys hopped the fence into Heidi Allen's yard and went after her expensive and old bonsai tree. She thinks the crooks are planning on fencing the goods on Craigslist.

"Some lowlife landscapers who will steal people's trees and then sell them to someone else," said Allen.

But, the thugs didn't just rip off "green stuff" they also took patio furniture from David Shuler's home. Although, his dog's poop actually scared them away from taking more stuff.

"Whoever was being the backyard burglar, hit 100 percent on poop three times in the backyard," said Shuler.

The homeowners have no idea why they were targeted. But, plant thievery is not uncommon in Seattle. Turns out that people have people stealing this stuff for a long time.

Anyone with information about these "plant pilferers" should call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.

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